Some Points To Consider Regarding Mind Body Spirit Connection

 You've certainly heard of the mind body spirit connection, but you're probably not sure what it means or how it impacts your health.

Mind-body-spirit wholeness derives not only from physical health, but also from mental and spiritual health. To be "healthy," we must consider all three parts of our being.

The following are some instances of the mind-body-spirit connection:

        When we are anxious, many of us experience headaches — this is an excellent illustration of how your thoughts affects your body.

        People who regularly exercise – whether it's a daily walk, a long run, an hour of yoga, or time in the gym strength training – are more likely to experience depression if their exercise routine is disrupted by injury, travel, or anything else that prevents them from getting the activity their bodies have come to expect and rely on for stress relief.


        Do you consider yourself a "stress eater?" I'm sure many folks who work from home or have had their typical habits disturbed at this period are confronted with this dilemma today.


        Do you remember how good you felt after getting a massage, getting your nails done, or having your hair cut, colored, and styled? That's your mind, body, and potentially even soul all working together to make you happy.

        People who have a strong faith and practice it feel happy after attending services or performing their daily devotions. They feel "complete," "happy," and "focused."

The underlying idea underpinning the mind body spirit connection is that we are more than our ideas. We are also our bodies, emotions, and spirituality... all of these elements work together to give us identity, decide our health, and define who we are. Learn more at Ward & Associates Psychological Services!


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